Seeking positive, energetic, forward thinking, glass
half full people to run for election and hold seats on
the Board of Directors as Officers. The Officers of
the Board are up for election, the term is for two
years, July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026. The
current Officer’s term expires June 30, 2024.
The Membership Meeting and Election of Officers will
be held Monday, June 10, 2024. If you are inter-
ested in serving on the Board of Directors, Board
Interest Forms are available at Participant Services.
If you have questions about serving on the Board,
see a current Board Member or me, your Executive
Director. I would be happy to talk with you.
Current Officers of the Board are as follows:
President – Deborah Oldham (Termed Out)
Vice President – Shelagh McKinney (Eligible for
two additional Two-Year Terms)
Secretary – Michael Turrini (Eligible for one addi-
tional Two-Year Term)
Treasurer – Jan Janik (Termed Out)